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Employee Spotlight | Nick Johnson

Nick Johnson - Consulting Engineer

Nick Johnson as one of our Consulting Engineers

  • “Hi! My name is Nick Johnson and I am a Consulting Engineer here at August Schell."

Q: When did you start at August Schell?

  • “I first started at here August Schell back in the Summer of 2019 as an intern and then I came back full-time in December 2020 as a Consulting Engineer."

Q: How did you find August Schell?

  • “My dad did work with people at August Schell when he was working at Splunk. He introduced me to Cory, Mike and the whole team and they found a spot for me as an intern."

Q: What made you want to work here?

  • “I wanted to work here at ASE because I felt like this was the best place for me to grow in the IT world and learn all of the steps necessary to be successful.”

Q: What certifications have you received that August Schell sponsored?

  • “I spent my internship getting Splunk certifications as well as learning about vendors such as Dell EMC, NetApp and Red Hat."

Q: What is your favorite part about working at ASE?

  • "My favorite part about working here is the environment that all of the other employees have created because everyone puts each other in a position to grow and become successful."

Q: Does pineapple belong on pizza?

  • "I'm a very picky eater so I would never put pineapple on pizza but I think people can do whatever they like."

Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

  • "If I could have one superpower, it would be to time-travel so that I could be at any place in the history/past or in the future!" 

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